Generally when buying in bulk you’re able to get a better deal. Or maybe you want to buy bulk because something is already a good deal. If it’s something you use often this can really pay off. You do need to have space to store it all properly-freezer, canning, vacuum sealed dry storage, etc. It doesn’t pay if you have food spoil, so only buy in bulk what you can handle.
Sometimes you want the bulk price but not quite that much food. This is a prime opportunity to buy in with a friend. Finding a friend to split it with is a win-win. Plus if it’s something that needs to be prepped to store long term such as fresh produce that’s always easier with more hands to do the job.
A few things that are easy to store long term in bulk are dry good staples. Wheat berries to make flour with will last a ridiculously long time when kept properly. Dried beans and rice do as well along with other dry grains. One you might not think of are eggs. If they are fresh and unwashed, eggs can be stored in lime water and last upwards of a year. This is where knowing a local farmer (pssst that’s tip #7 Local Farmers) would pay off or having your own chickens of course.
What’s your favorite item to buy in bulk? Let me know in the comments. If you’re enjoying these tips or find them useful subscribe to know when I post another. Don’t forget to share this with your friends too!
~The Crunchy Cheapskate